
  • Racecar Update

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    We painted the car last night.  It looks as if the 2009 season will start this saturday for us.  We painted the car similar colors to last year, but reversed them.  The blue is on the front and yellow is on the back.  We will spend tonight and tomorrow night finishing up a spare driveshaft, going over EVERY nut and bolt to make sure everything is tight, and greasing every crevice.  We also have to letter the vehicle which unfortunately means 3-4 hours of vinyl cutting.... :(  We will be at Kamp Motor Speedway on Saturday!

  • "The round" with the Round Man

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    I started playing golf again about 8 years ago.  I had not played since I was on the High School Golf team.  My clubs were a little outdated and I didn't really know too many people that golfed in Lafayette as I just graduated.  I started playing golf with a guy known as "The Round Man".  He was famous for his famous colorful pants and his incredible shots on the course.  When I first golfed with him, I expected him to be some hack like the majority of us.... BOY WAS I WRONG!!  I have never seen anyone pull some of the shots off from the locations that he would find himself.  I remember a shot...

  • Status of the Racecar

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    Lon, Bobby, and I went in today and spent a few hours on the car.  The plan is to have it at the track on the 25th!  Here is what is left: finish body work, paint, set the timing on the motor, adjust the rear end, put an axle seal in the rear end, wire up the tach, change tires, prep the trailer, and mount the front shocks... That's IT!!!